Taite is a dumb fricken illegal playyboy who is just thirsty for all the girls in school he isn't loyal at all he won't ever be he shouldn't get what he gets from any girl he shouldn't have a bunch of girls crushing on him. I hope he never get's the love of his life he doesn't deserve it. He just flirts with girls and breaks their hearts. He is a hairless rat that should go to heck!!!!!
"Taite is a thirsty Man Whore!"
by AdorablePotato2005 December 16, 2018
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Brandon Tait- the guy with the 14 incher who pounds the vag 6-9 times a day hes also famous for all the blowjobs he gets
hes so sexy - Brandon Tait
by hiya baby November 27, 2011
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1)Max Tait is the word's to describe a penis that is so incredibly large you have to describe it as someone else's.

2) It can also be used to describe someone who has just shit themselves.
1) Holy fuck, that is a Max Tait penis right there!

2) You just pulled a Max Tait!
by Coochie Muncher XD March 8, 2020
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A handsome male whom participates in FUCKBOY acts.
"Woah, dude you're acting so Kasper TAIT. Chill with the FUCKBOY acts."
by 🌚ops March 18, 2016
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A small erinaceous male who wears sandals and has a neat buzz cut.
Woah, sandals and a buzz cut what a Matt Tait
by Sven Jeff December 22, 2017
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an absolute gay boy who has the wrongest mind ever if you see him will say wrong stuff
by da king bob boy November 8, 2018
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TO cut somone (usually with a samurai sword) with such skill and speed that they do nor tealise they have been cut untill you`v struck a cool pose or killed their buddies, then they either slowly slide in half or explode in a bloody um...explosion...

this effect is used in movies such as kill bill and many animes but it only received a name after the game Shinobi was released for the playstation 2 in 1999 (?)
`I tated that guy so hardcore`
`the guy crept up and tated me, I didnt realise till I was brushing my teeth the next morning and my arm fell off`

`Uma thurman can really tate (tait)`
by Marcus Ditzel May 12, 2006
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