girl 1: did you get that strawberry cream last night
girl 2: no❤️
by j3nnuzzle August 16, 2020
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When you cum in a girl on her period and eat her out.
“Man, my girl said we couldn’t fuck cause she was on her period”
“Gotta get that strawberry cream
by Dudeidk October 26, 2020
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What’s left over in the toilet after period sex. The combination of shed uterus and semen post-intercourse.
There was a whole load of strawberries n cream in the toilet after he finished inside her....
by LilNutPeanut January 20, 2018
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When you squirt whipped cream on a girl’s pussy when she’s on her period and eat her out.
“Yo, Brad, I totally strawberry whip creamed that chick”
by ouyes August 7, 2023
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When you cum inside of her and she creampies but instead of cum it’s blood.
Amanda: Me and Ethan has sex last night, but he pulled a Strawberry Cream Cheese Casserole on me.
Suzie: Yucky!
by Graybin Mooch February 28, 2019
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When your girl is on her period but you're a romantic so slap down a towel and skip the condom. Upon climax, your semen gloriously mixes with her blood to create a special creamy dessert. Bon appetit!
Mark: Emma, I know you're on your period, but let's make some strawberries and cream and then go to Denny's for Strawberry pancakes.

Emma: This is why I love you

Mark: Where did we put that ugly beach towel?
by Mexican Nate October 20, 2020
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The action of spanking her so hard her ass turns glowing red, and then finishing on her ass. it is the mix of this vibrant red and clean white that makes the term "strawberries and cream"
dude 1: bro me and my girl made strawberries and cream last night
dude 2: nice bro, up top *high five*
by 477 April 8, 2021
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