Meaning large finger or fat fingers tat make a lot o noise when typing.
Mother: whats that loud tapping noise.
father: It is stefany typing with her big stefany fingers
mother:(bangs on wall keep it down in ther!
by kimmy p July 29, 2008
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The sexiest milf out there, no one loves her more than her family. If you think you could handle spice, think again. Stefanie is THE spiciest girl out there.
Guy 1: *eats jalepeño peper*... so soft
Guy 2: Oh ya have you ever seen Stefanie?
*Stef walks in*
Guy 1: *faints*
by zoopa101 November 15, 2019
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The most fake person you could ever be friends with. Often pretends to be nice towards others, but as soon as their backs are turned, she/he says everything mean about them, thinking they won't find out. When actually they do.

The most pathetic excuse of a friend.
Girl: Did you hear what happened to Jenni?
Boy: Yeah, I heard she got "Stefanied."

Girl: Damn, that girls a bitch!
by dumbumhun October 4, 2010
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Good friend, really pretty and definitely seems like the kind of person you want to be friends with. She’s funny at times and very nice to talk to but she doesn’t think she really ever does anything wrong because she’s just so used to a certain way that she just likes to think she didn’t do anything wrong. She can be a good friend but she has a sort of judge mental family, she’s close with them so she doesn’t see it but it’s sweet she’s so close to them. She’s a bit of a hypocrite but it’s something most people overlook so they can continue to be her friend. Stefanie is hard to be patient with but you don’t want to lose her as a friend because the great times you have with her are worth it.
Someone: who is Stefanie?

Someone: She’s just a great, slightly annoying friend!

Someone: ohhhh
by #brocken🥺 jk anyway March 16, 2022
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German artist known for expired Polaroid photographs that have a dreamy look with chemical mutations. Embracing a wabi sabi concept.
by Stefanie Schneider March 26, 2017
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Lead singer in No Doubt, chose to go solo and sell out even more by trying to make crappy hip hop/pop music. Has a strange obsession with Japanese Harajuku girls, even though the real Harajuku girls in Tokyo only dress like that on the weekends because they live in a conformist country. Upon asking a few Japanese exchange students at school they said that she seems like a asshole and she is trying to build a fan base in Japan even though Japanese people don’t really care for her.
by Woogy May 19, 2005
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