Rishi is a word used for very obnoxious, narcissistic people who constantly admire themselves and think very highly of themselves. You know if someone's a Rishi if they spend hours in front of a mirror oiling their hair, their hair will probably be greasy whenever you meet them. They might also sweat a lot because of all the oil.
"Ugh, hurry up and come! You're taking so long! Stop being such a Rishi!"
"Your sweating so much after just 10 hours of running? You're being such a Rishi!"
by someoneyou'llnevermeet July 28, 2020
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slang for “ghosted
“yo, he hasn’t responded in a few days…do you think i’m getting rishi’d??”

“man i really like this guy, i really hope he doesn’t rishi me”

“i’m in my hot girl era, i will only be rishing everyone”
by nessypoo100 July 11, 2023
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a rishi also known as a rishi savage is when a rishi savage does windows L
you just got rishi saveged
by rishi savaged May 4, 2021
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Rishi is the literal definition of trash.
by Rishi name meaning December 25, 2017
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the first name of an up and coming rapper from the slums (Rishi Rich), #Slime.
Bro you heard that new Rishi Rich?!?!
by LilPumpsMom322938 December 5, 2019
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A new Indian kid who knows how to do fuck. A full on thot buster
Bro the new kid is a straight rishi
by ThotGeneral December 5, 2018
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To steal tape. Other forms are Rishing or Rishied.
Student: Hey teach, can I have some tape.

Teacher: No, sorry, I gave it out to someone.

Student: Man, who Rishied the tape.
by French2 November 9, 2011
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