Regan, contrary to other UD posts about the name, is actually a unisex name. Originally meant for boys. First coined in Ireland meaning "little king", "royal" or "regal".
Dude with a girl's name, i.e. Ashley: "Uhhh bro your name is a girls name haahahahha"
An innocent Regan: "Actually it's a male Irish name, look it up on UD by Riggs Diggs."
Ashley: "Oh shit you right!"
Regan: "Ashley a girl's name tho smdh"
by Riggers Diggers October 14, 2017
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Sweetest person you will ever meet and she loves to have fun. Sometimes she just likes to hang out at home with you but she also gets hella turnt up. She gives the best advice but she NEVER listens to her own. Likes to be independent and doesn’t want to be weighted down by guys but also wants a fairytale relationship. A perfect best friend and cousin to the hottest redhead out there.
“ Wow Regan has such a pretty smile! No wonder all the boys want her!”

“Regan is THICC
by redheads do have souls June 9, 2020
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Alternative spelling for Reaganism, referring to the political policies of U.S. President Ronald Reagan.
During his presidency, Ronald Reagan defined an age of Reganism through his economic and international policy.
by Rising_Tide January 1, 2017
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Regan has a huge cock and is amazing in bed, gets many bitches. Into drugs and likes to fight a lot.
by Thetruthaboutyourname10101 November 20, 2016
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A woman who: doesn't fuck around, seriously will palm you in the fucking face, eats funyons, doesn't let other bitches escort her man, will fuck you up for flirting with her man, eats a hardy breakfast of assorted unleaven breads, will fuck you up for looking at her man, thinks facism is some type of fashion design, will fuck you up for thinking about her man.
Teacher: Where's Regan?
Zachary(Me): She got arrested for palming some stupid cunt right in the face for talking to her boyfriend
Teacher: ... Oka-y... Let's move onto chapter ten.
by ZROD April 11, 2010
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He is the most handsome, athletic and smartest man in the whole wide world. He is amazing and the best. The most perfect guy for Erika.
"I love my boyfriend, Regan!!"
by Akiresevolnager September 26, 2011
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A Regan is a basic white girl. She often drinks Starbucks, wears Ugg boots in August, and lives for chipotle. She will often complain about her day, before the day has started.

A Regan will frequently say "omg stop it","I hate you guys", or "You guys are so annoy!"

A Regan's favorite quote:
"Oh my god you guys stop it you're seriously so mean UGH I hate youuu"

Also Frequently caught eating in class, and day dreaming about Starbucks and chipotle
"Hey don't forget the cookies!"

"Oh my gosh stoppp i can't even! I have to go to chipotle and get this seasons uggs first! "
"Don't be a Regan"
by Reagan October 28, 2014
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