The sound made by someone or something eating.

Most commonly found in lolcats and similar macros. It usually translate as, "I am absorbed in eating this".

The phrase may relate to the sound Cookie Monster makes on Sesame Street when eating cookies.

Also "Om nom nom".
*picture of kitten asleep in food bowl*

Joe: So how's that burrito?
Jack: Om nom nom nom!
Joe: So good, then?
by Infamyanonymous January 19, 2008
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when a slightly over weight women in the midst of sex her fanny lumps begin to wack one against the other after the man releaves the vagina from his penis and a sound of "nom nom nom" is made from the vagina.. which is defined as noming
damien:oh.. yes.... yes.. YES YES CLAIRE. YES!. urghh... oh that was nice... huh claire?
claie: nom nom nom
by kimtwino February 16, 2009
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an expression couples use as an affectionate term of endearment. Could mean love.
Ramona- "I nom nom nom you"
Samson- "I'm gonna om nom nom nom you right up!"
by palomamead February 2, 2009
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1) sound made when a girl wears shorts that are one size too small and it looks like her crotch is eating them
2) action noise of eating
3) Pac-man
-"hey look at that girl..... Nom Nom Nom"

-"that looks delicious, Nom Nom Nom"
by buhagias0924 July 28, 2011
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1. to eat with extreme delight

2. to nibble on something litte if specified


1. noise made when food is fucking good nd u wanna show everybody
"Lets go to mcdonalds" Jack
"Mmmm I'm going to Nom Nom 3 double quarter pounders" Chris

"Ow wtf? U bite my arm?" Bob
"No it wasnt a bite i nom nommed u" George

"U like that burger?" Steve
"Mmmm u love that burger
by Steve Perry jr July 23, 2008
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NOM-NOM is a planet located in the farthest region of the binary star system. This planet is inhabited by the Noms. The docile creatures resemble domesticated cats with the sleek body of the cheetah. This formerly jungle-like planet contained many flowing bodies of water and a vast amount of lush vegetation was razed and destroyed by terrorist space otters (AKA Oms) who turned the planet into a barren desert.
Nom: NOM-NOM used to be awesome until those damn otters came here.
by thpostalxservice January 10, 2010
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