Nokay is a truncation or combination of the two words "No" and "Okay". It is usually used by people when they are asked to do something that they know they have to do, but are resentful of or do not want to do. Used to express "defeated contempt".
Mother: "Son, can you go do the dishes?"
Son: "Nokay, give me a second."
by Old Man Jeffrey May 13, 2022
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"That's not okay dude, that's nokay.!"
by Charlidavidson January 23, 2015
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when when you don't want to do something but you have to say you say no and okay =nokay
mom:go do the dishes ! me: Nokay
by jag deep April 29, 2022
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When something is not okay
Not + okay = nokay
It's that simple
What he did was nokay
by The_Salty_Seaman December 26, 2022
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Nokay is when you dont want to do something but have to
person 1:go do the dishes. person 2:nokay
by bonnienothere December 25, 2021
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When you tell someone you are going to do something, but have no intention of doing it
‘Oh my god, you really must watch the last 8 seasons of Games of Throne

‘Ok, sure !’ (totally nokay gonna do that)
by bgodsquad June 4, 2019
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