A misspelling of the word nerd. Commonly used by members of the official Michigan GC and founded by @UMvsEveruone
Tyler, stop being such a fucking noid
by Noid man June 18, 2020
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The proper way of pronouncing "nerd" if you are a nerd.
Hey!!! Get off my star wars lunchbox NOIDS!!
by nerd-mobile February 28, 2011
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An affectionate term for handicapped people, short for spaznoid.
Really? My brother is a noid too, but he was born with it.
by casperoony March 9, 2006
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May 8th is traditionally known as National Outdoor Intercourse Day! Also may be shortened to "NOID" Most frequently celebrated on college campuses across the USA during the 1970's and 1980's.
May 8th is traditionally known as National Outdoor Intercourse Day! Also may be shortened to "NOID" Most frequently celebrated on college campuses across the USA during the 1970's and 1980's.
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Noided, a persistent sense of paranoia, stay noided is a common usage meaning to stay in a constant "noided" state of mind so as to avoid detection when preforming illegal activities, usually used when two people are departing
Person 1: Hey man, I gotta go but I'll see you after 3rd period
Person 2: See ya, stay noided!
by emily :~) January 15, 2013
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An abbreviation and or short for - 'Paranoid'.
-used most commonly in public settings or in the presence of others whom may be less on-task when you are around the paranoid subject or their friends.
-usually, the paranoia is onset from intoxication,

(i.e. methamphetimine)
"Yeah, Cory was over lastnight getting high with us."
"How was that?"
"He was totally high and all P-NOID looking out the blinds every 5 seconds."
by firebeam11 March 19, 2010
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