man + purse = murse :

A man carrying around a purse
Thier wife probably told him to hold it or he's gay.
Sam:hahaha Larry has a murse!
Jim:hahhah! Hes's probably gay!
by kv14111 November 27, 2007
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1. A male nurse.
2. A man-purse, a popular fashion item these days. Similar to a messenger bag, but usually smaller. Murses often have a pocket to carry a laptop, which is why they are so popular.
1. After passing the NCLEX and getting his RN certification, Rodney was now a murse.
2. Jeans, check. Leather jacket, check. Let me get my murse, and we can head out.
by HungryDrummer October 31, 2016
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A man that carries a bag around like the way a woman would carry a purse.

Man Purse = Murse
Hey David, thats a nice murse pal! Faggot!
by Crash Override April 22, 2008
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When a man carrries a purse or fanny pack or anything in close resemblance to a purse, it's called a murse (as in man purse)
"Dude! that dude was carrying a murse"
"what a fag"
by Darlingdreamco! October 23, 2008
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A murder-purse. Used for carrying body parts after a murder.
Hey Jack, Did you burn the murse after last nights job
by Dirty Dav33 February 9, 2007
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Man Purse: A storage tote containing carry handles and a shoulder strap, giving it's (male?) wearer the option of carrying it by daintily holding the straps in his fingers or ruggedly off the shoulder. The murse may be accessorized with a matching coin pouch.
His new murse matches his shoes perfectly.
by Johnny Castle 69 February 8, 2011
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