A really nice guy with very very decent looks, has a great sense of humor ( most people don’t get his sense of humor ) , looks dumb but in reality has a great knowledge about life , has some great talents but it’s unknown to the real world out there , one of the most kind and sympathetic guy out there , the most understanding person out there
Guy A - Do you know Karan?
Guy B - Oh yes he’s a really nice guy , a really great friend indeed
Guy B - Hmm , I’ve heard he’s extremely dumb
Guy A - Oh no , he’s totally not , once you actually get to know him he’ll be great , trust me
Guy B - Hmm , Alright
by February 13, 2022
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Karan is someone who is extremely hardworking, sexy af, husband material, and is the most king hearted person ever. The only bad thing is he’s ANNOYING and he can be disrespectful but he’s still the LOML mwah
Girl 1: Look at him

Girl 2: He’s so Karan whew!
by the love of his life November 23, 2021
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someone who catches the wrong train.
-"hey, weren't you supposed to be here already?"
-"nah man, I got the wrong train and ended up in paris"
-"damn bro, you just got karan-ed"
by the.man! April 22, 2010
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Someone who loves to sleep a lot. Mostly alone in bed!
OH MY GOD!! I'm getting Karan'ed
by Gaaju February 6, 2021
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Alright, dis dude is probably like the most annoying guy you will ever meet, like really, the moment you see him in public, you GTFO, LIKE RIGHT THERE. like boi, you know that moment you are trying to study in math? well to fuking bad, he is just gonna annoy your ass until you feel like murdering him and your life goal is set, and that is to ruin his lyfe, forevea.
omg, look at dis karan
by TheDankestMemeGod January 25, 2017
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