The typical Toyota Prius driver. Believes that he or she is saving the environment (the batteries contain nickel and other harmful chemicals) or is considered fashionable by driving a Prius when in fact he or she is the second douchiest driver on the road (second to BMW drivers) by accelerating rapidly (thus canceling out fuel savings) and cutting people off and flipping them the bird right afterward.
Look at that douche in the Prius thinking he is saving the environment!
by joetheplumber666 April 4, 2011
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A man who is a complete jerk and completely self-absorbed. Usually he wears fashionable clothing and slicks his hair back.
"God, he's such a douche."
by crazy_birch January 14, 2015
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Product mistakenly used under the unfortunate impression that it will improve the environmental condition of the female nether-regions. In fact, the vagina is a self-cleaning organ and use of this product may hinder the "good bacteria" naturally present whose job it is to maintain a state of cleanliness. Should the vagina show signs of infection which would potentially lead to the mistaken impression that douching would be a good idea (unpleasant smell, etc.), one should seek professional medical treatment because they probably have some sort of an infection which can be cleared up properly with medication.
The use of douche, an unfortunately common practice, leads all too frequently to a disruption in the normal self-cleansing vaginal environment, resulting in repeated and worsening symptoms.
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i hate you because your doucheness is ginormous
by levi parker August 29, 2007
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obnoxious frat guys who think they are the shit. Obvious indicators include blonde girlfriends, popped collars, baggy clothes and the intention to get drunk during every waking moment
by dfhjkhfkhsfj February 27, 2008
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process of rinsing out the rectum to make sure that there is no left over shit remaining in the bowel.
squirting water up bum to clean prior to anal sex
by doug December 16, 2003
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An accusation or witty point made by a douchebag. A way to recognize the wit and barb of a statement, while simultaneously insulting the speaker. Prounounced doo-shay.
To that I can only say douche' .
by J Bo January 23, 2007
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