Flushing while shitting. Although this noble gesture is meant to reduce the foul odor of your newly born treasure, there is a personal benefit. If you time this correctly, the turd that's still attached to your ass will get a helping 'pull' from the water below, giving you an extra inch of room your colon.
I shoulda known but the skids in bowl that she wouldn't have the decency to courtesy flush.
by Ferranz March 22, 2017
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Over 50 and never heard of the courtesy flush. I figured once it's out it's out and hide your head and run.
I suppose an example could be as soon as your ready to go, flush and at least the noise helps cover up any noise. God forbid there be noise. I've tried to wait until the entire BR was empty feeling so self conscience about something no one but I do, right??????.....Never fail, soon as I hit the door and almost get my butt to the seat here comes someone. Tricky part, making it go back up until the room is empty. Well I no longer wait for an empty room but am sure excited to learn about this courtesy flush thing. And it really works???????...I'm going to the store now to test this and will report back.
by kathy, the other one September 21, 2006
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A process carried out by university administrators in the Autumn term which involves shedding students who don't turn up regularly to classes to ensure they aren't charged fees and become an unnecessary financial burden to the institution. This is performed by the student being summarily "deregistered" on the grounds that they are "inadequately engaged" on their programme of study. As a result, students find they are suddenly unable to submit coursework or access any university facilities whatsoever, thus providing proof that they are indeed no longer engaged.
Chris the student: Hey professor! Why can't I submit coursework or access any online library facilities in order to complete my term papers?

Professor: You've probably become an unwitting victim of the most recent "Autumn Courtesy Flush."

Chris: What's that?

Professor: You've been deregistered because you haven't been coming to class.

Chris: My God! But if I can't submit assignments I'll fail the year.

Professor: Yes, well you should have thought of that, shouldn't you? Anyway, good luck with your career.
by The Gonzo Lecture April 18, 2010
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Let someone know if, awhile after a first date for example, you're not interested in pursuing the association further.
"I had hoped to get a courtesy flush if you decided you liked that tree-huggin mothball motherfucker better!"
by sweetDICKwillie March 3, 2014
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A cleansing toilet flush when caught taking a dump whilst on the phone
Bob; "Phhhlt" <plop>
Phil: Dude! Are you taking a dump?
Bob: Yeah man, can't wait.
Phil: How 'bout a courtesy phone flush? I can't concentrate on our

by nextdaycorn July 24, 2010
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When you find someone else's shit in the toilet and you have to flush before you use it
I got into the stall at the restaurant and had to do a reverse courtesy flush for the guy before me before I could drop my own deuce.
by LeafyGreens37 December 15, 2022
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