A chicken sandwich. Every restaurant has one, so there's not a whole lot original about it.
The ChiKing didn't want to be the Whopper's match, the ChiKing wanted to be the Whopper. All the love people had for the Whopper, and what the people who market the ChiKing were rallying for, they didn't get why people loved the Whopper so much, and what they saw as loyalty to the Whopper by people who ordered one over the years, the people that marketed the ChiKing wanted all that to themselves, the love and the loyalty.
by The Original Agahnim July 19, 2021
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Sexy as fuck (according to chike)

God, lord and savior and helped PH1LZ4 create minecraft
Person: Have you met Chunky chikes best friend SpoodaMats

Person 2: yes
by The god of meaning April 14, 2021
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Someone called Mike who loves everything to be made in China especially his new Xbox Series X and his Coffee Grinder.
Chike loves his Chinese made Xbox!
by Crazyoldlady November 14, 2020
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Someone called Mike who loves everything to be made in China especially his new Xbox Series X and his Coffee Grinder.
Chike loves his Chinese made Xbox!
by Crazyoldlady November 14, 2020
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Someone called Mike who loves everything to be made in China especially his new Xbox Series X and his Coffee Grinder.
Chike loves his Chinese made Xbox!
by Crazyoldlady November 14, 2020
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He was nosy, and liked to chike through the curtains
by Treesniffer December 21, 2017
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An insult for a Jewish-Chinese Person. A mixture of the words "Chink" and "Kike."
"He's Chinese and Jewish?!? He's a chike."
by NiggerNiggaNig July 31, 2023
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