The crusty residue left around a female nipple from milk if not wiped properly.
Billy: "Hey dude, you going to suck on Sarah's big tits tonight?"

Joe: "No way man, I heard she has titty bungus."
by blitznbonzo33 December 13, 2011
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A foul-smelling odor of unknown origin fungi growth on your anus.
1) Victor cannot mask the oozing smell of his sheets. "What is that horrible smell?" "it's fungus of the bungus Everybody Run"
2) lady playing video poker 1: "what is that horrible smell that just wrecked everybody's air?"
Lady playing video poker 2:" it's Victor, he has fungus of the bunions and doesn't care how bad it smells!
by Markie_Marc April 4, 2019
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(Bung-Goo Na-Kee-SHQUAD)

Shortened to Bungu Nana.

Is an African slang for the words RED DEVIL.
Used in America like:
"Ooh. That child got a strong Bungu Naqisquad in him"
"That dog is possessed by the Bungu Nana"

Used in Africa as:
*click* *click* nungu *click* Bungu Nana"
by AfricanBumbada January 9, 2010
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A better and most godly version of Big Chungus
Allways use this word If you are a God
{Person 1} yo dude have u heard of Big Chungus?
{Person 2} Yes, But have YOU heard of Chig Bungus?
{Person 3} Omg yes, fucking marry me.
by im mahmoud irl, btw ur mom gay January 14, 2019
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A spicy, burning bowel movement that is a consequence of eating spicy foods.
“You’ll get the burning bungus after eating these wings!”
by Abcdefg69 January 21, 2021
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