Birds Of a Feather; also BOFs, These are social interaction groups that meet, either online, or in community, or in person at other venues; An IETF Standards group of people who have a gathering, before a proposal or idea is formed to a WG or Working Group.
The IETF have several BOFs, but some are just for documentation only. ; "Jane and Mildred are just a pair of BOFs,"
by TerrificInTahoma August 25, 2008
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BOF (noun)

BOF, pronounced Bh-off stands for Best Online Friends.

It is more commenly used when you don't want to offend an online buddy who you really don't consider a friend in "real life" but you feel an attachment to.
Tina: Oh, Sophie, you're my best friend in the whole world.
Sophie: Er..., uh, well, you're my BOF
Tina: BOF?
Sophie: Best Online Friend!
Tina: Hooray!

With BOF, everyone wins.
by Sophie Smith September 9, 2006
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To accept or offer an invitation to a “faye
And then subsequently be cancelled as said “faye” has had a better offer. Thus better offer faye.
Faye invited Jamie, Alex and Marco over for drinkies, but then cancelled. A few days later she forget she had done so and told them she went out with her real friends…
They had been boffed.
by “Realdeal” June 28, 2021
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Black-out Friday. Winding down in BLC every Friday night, by getting Black-out drunk. The more people that don't remeber Friday nights in OKC, the better.
What's in store for BOF this week?
by Edward L. Money April 22, 2008
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Of English origin it is Acronym for Boring Old Fart. An older person, who is well...Boring.
My Dad is a real BOF and he doesn't know it.
by ADMCA April 28, 2007
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Most ways of indirectly opening the php script would allow you to view it's contents. Maybe bof-ing the server would make it stop parsing, but don't take my word for it.
by penguinwhoflew December 5, 2004
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Stands for ball of fuck. Defines people when they're are just doing idiotic things that you can't even understand why they're doing it.
Natalie: My mom won't let me go out tonight
Sonja: Dude, she's being a BOF
by carunderwater June 11, 2009
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