Taking on the appearence or mannerisms of an Anson.
Dude, he was telling stories about things his dad bought. Kid's coming down with serious Ansonitis.

There are random pasty white kids with ansonitis everywhere, even roaming around the African Bush.
by Chowda! March 25, 2008
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Anson Kraut is the sexiest motherfucker created by the god of bitches, (himself), Anson Kraut can hookup with anyone with a glimpse due to the sparkle of his dong. Anson Kraut is also the god of every sport created to man.
“Omg, it’s Anson Kraut, let’s go stroke his massive dong
“Anson Kraut!!!!, oml my panties are soaked, sheeeeeeeeeshhhhh.
by Daddi Cakes April 15, 2021
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You can definitely set that he is a God In Hong Kong.

By a sonto
Anson Lo is the best artist I have ever met before.
by 5Bo2 November 22, 2021
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a wonderful and immensely talented man who writes incredible music and inspires so many people not to give up.
oh you like anson seabra? are you in therapy? because if you’re not, you should be.
by Popcorn13 November 23, 2021
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Someone who relocates to work in a new job overseas, but knocks up somebody prior and ends up moving back to the original country and working for the original company.
A: So, I heard you're pulling an Anson.

B: Only a partial Anson. Ain't nobody to knock up, ain't coming back.
A: Uhuh.
by Mazhu October 12, 2021
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a very handsome or cute boy . he is very kind and a very good friend and like to snatch food from his friend even though he have the same food and like sports. he likes to make everyone around him to laugh . the most highlight thing is that he is a play boy. he will keep the girl he loves like a queen and carry her from his heart.
anto anson is a very good guy
by mohan# February 26, 2022
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An establishment for people who have sex with chickens and therefore due to being gay the effects render them genderless due to lack of genitals. For just one pound a day you can promote the anson foundation please save the genderless for a better tomorrow.
"Help! save anson report to the anson foundation" he said.
by FunTTs September 15, 2017
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