A small room or attic located in a home. Also a verb describing the act of placing things in an attic.
Joshy, can you Anne Frank these Christmas decorations until next year?
by TheeFORDO December 23, 2009
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When someone abuses the purpose of texting by writing his or her life story every time they text you and confuses texting with a dear diary entry.
"Listen Anne Frank, I just wanted to know whether or not you were coming with us to the movies. A yes or no would have worked just fine."
by REmilio February 10, 2014
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(Verb):Is used when someone is performing badly at a shooting game bringing the team down as a whole and that's the sign to tell them to hide.
Damien: You have 2 kills and 10 deaths
Dustin:What do you want me to do I am trying my best
Damien: I want you to "Anne Frank It"
by Deangelo Wolffe April 16, 2008
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The Anne Frank, is a multiple part sex move. The first move consists of having to have super quiet sex whilst friends/relatives are over so you do not get caught. Immediately after finishing, perform a Dutch oven on your girlfriend to simulate a nazi gas chamber.
Nick and Danielle are secret work lovers. Over morning coffee, Marco asked nick how his weekend was.
Nick : It was alright, my parents were in town and took us out to a nice Mexican restaurant.
Marco : That sounds nice man.
Nick: Yeah, it was until I gave Danielle an Anne Frank and now she's not talking to me.
Marco: Don't worry, she will come around when she wants to peg you again.
by Vagiggles April 4, 2017
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When you have been in the closet for so long hiding your sexuality that someone forces you out.
You've been in the closet for so long tony we should start calling you Ann Frank
by Dreadcore23 April 4, 2018
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In the military, to Ann Frank it is the act of hiding in your barracks from your superiors, typically to avoid PT.
Kyle: “Hey, they are releasing us to the barracks to change over for PT.”
John: “Fuck PT! I’m going to Ann Frank It in the closet until you guys get back.”
by FTLWMarine March 6, 2019
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