Bill O'Reilly AKA the BORe AKA Loofah Boy is a disgusting revolting opinionated host on Fox News AKA Faux News or Faux Noise. He claims his show is a no spin zone however he puts a very conservative spin on everything. He claims to be an independant thinker however he adheres to every conservative thought you can think of. When confronted with the truth he tells the guest to shut up and cuts off their mic like a little child. A classic example of an arrogant, opinionated, weak minded fool.

Fox News whose motto is "Fair and Balanced" should actually use the motto "Unfair and Mentally Unbalanced. The channel poses as a news outlet but in reality is just a sensationalistic mouthpiece for the conservative right.
That moron Bill O'Reilly is the biggest loser I have ever seen.
by Liberalist January 29, 2008
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Irritating host of "The O'Reilly Factor" on Fox News.

Calls himself "traditional" and takes conservative, stances on most issues and is generally arrogant and ignorant. Sticks up for the rights of children (his only redeeming quality) and pretends to stick up for women, but, for the most part, is an angry, crusading idiot who goes on and on about "morality" despite his infamous phone sex incident and uses annoying catchphrases, such as "secular progressive" (SP's) and "sanctuary city", to pound ideas into the heads of his viewers and alienate those who oppose him.
Bill O'Reilly constantly whines about Christianity being under attack in America, yet freedom of religion is guaranteed in the 1st Amendment. I guess he never got that memo...
by C-Mills April 14, 2007
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(1). A Republican who hosts The O'Reilly Factor on the Fox News Channel; a channel with ties to the Far-Right American Republican party. A So-Called Independent who was thrilled when George W. Bush was reelected to the presidency in 2004, but then told the Democrats not to rub their victory in the faces of the Republican's, when the Democrats won control of the US House and Senate in 2006. (3). A bully who uses his audience as a tool to win debates on his show. (4). A person who was accused of sexual harassment around the same time his first children's book came out . He of course settled the case out of court and swept the incident under the rug. (5). A Rich-White-Male who made a racist comment after visiting a Black-Owned and Run restaurant in Harlem New York; "(Bill) I couldn't get over the fact that there was no difference between Sylvia's restaurant and any other restaurant in New York City. I mean it was exactly the same, even though it's run by blacks. There wasn't one person in Sylvia's who was screaming, '@#$%^&, I want more ice tea!'" (6). A Stereotypical Religious Fanatic who is against gay marriage, Stem cell research, abortion, illegal immigration and equal rights for gay and lesbian's persons. (7). A person that uses his show to spread Republican ideals, hatred, and fears. (8). A tool of the Bush administration. (9). A lier.
Bill O'Reilly is such a lier! He claims to be an Independent, but always defends George W. Bush! If a child called George Bush a Poopy-head, Bill would sound off on it using his show.
by the2ndflood November 2, 2007
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A conservative talk show host that is is desperate for some titties. Also known as a dickhead and a conservative
Bill O' Reilly bought that big car to make up for his small penis
by Melanthex March 29, 2005
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A completely useless white male asshole with an enormous ego apparently obtained by hosting a useless rag-mag TV show that turned into a rag-mag political show opportunity. Unable to tolerate an opposing viewpoint, esp. those on the left. Elevated self absorption makes him feel and act like a 60 yr old Rambo tough-ass but is not so diluted as to actually face a challenge esp. by Keith Olbermann. Uncomfortable in his own skin if anywhere other than his TV controlled environment. Basic fuck head, woman harassing, simple shit.
If I were born a Bill O'Reilly I would kill my stupid fucking self before I opened my big useless mouth. And someone please burn the body.
by Chuck Scheid October 6, 2007
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Some simpleton who shares his opinions on fox.

Watching him makes average people rapidly decend into idiocy. This effect is of great benifit to corporations and politicians who require easily suggestable and pliant consumers and voters in order to continue to exist.

Always makes comments on "how simple" things are or could be. This kind of reasoning is popular among simple people who can only comprehend simple things.

Actually believes in what he's saying, as do others who can not understand or refuse to accept that the world is a complicated place with complicated problems requiring complicated analysis and well-though out solutions.
After watching Bill O'Reilly my brain got soft and I started to believe claims made by Politicians and advertisements on T.V. Now I can't deal with these complicated big-word-saying politicians who want to make government inefficient by working on complicated plans that require a bunch of outside experts and research to put together. I also feel I may have restless leg syndrome.
by whiskeypocket January 16, 2007
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1. Anyone who invites another person into an argument, just to tell the other person they're wrong and shit all over their opinion.

2. Someone, usually older and unattractive, who sexually harasses co-workers but is far too vital to a company to be dismissed. Eventually he or she is fired, but only after the damage is already done.
1. She may have been a socialist, but she became a real Bill O'Reilly when I shared my alternative point of view.

2. Person 1: Remember that old creepy guy in the company meeting last month? The one who was hitting on all young female workers, to no avail?
Person 2: Oh yeah, that was Bill O'Reilly. He's been doing that for years, but he's brought in so many clients that the company overlooked it. They finally fired him last week, but only after 6 lawsuits.
by mad5793 May 29, 2017
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