One who enjoys or is profecient at using a computer. A hacker may occasionaly curcumvent security measures out of curiosity, but becomes a cracker when he starts destroying data or causing trouble.
I am a computer hacker.
by the hacker April 21, 2003
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Seen at the top of the technological heirarchy, a person fully capable of using a computer to the fullest extent, and knows at least three programming languages without having to refer back to a tutorial, and has done at least one recognizable thing with them.

Not to be confused with cracker. While a hacker may have the capacity to gain unauthorized access to a computer, he/she will only do it to expand the boundaries of knowledge and promote virtue, while a cracker will destroy the results of a hacker.

It is unorthodox to consider yourself to be a hacker, rather than be considered a hacker by other hackers.
"Change 'document.alert()' to just plain 'alert()'. You don't need the 'document' to call the string."
by Relentless February 13, 2005
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Back in the 70's, hacker was a term given to those fortunate enough to know how to code. During the 80's and 90's it was a term meant for those who worked their way through systems, without approval. Now, its meaning has been completely replaced by cracker, and hacker means nothing more than any idiot that can decipher a small page of HTML. Those who are computer illiterate still widely use the word in its 80s/90s sense. Not to be confused with hax0r, meaning a person who dreams to one day know how to hack, or another name for l337sp33k.
Of the 80s/90s version, there were three primary denominations:
The casual Hacker-hacks to learn information for his own curiosity.
The White Hat Hacker-hunts down and destroys malicious code.
The Black Hat Hacker-designs and releases malicious code;gathers dangerous information;brings down sensative systems.
"The hackers are working very hard."
"The hackers have managed to find their way into the system."
"The hackers are getting on my nerves."
by The Almighty Sapling November 8, 2005
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A hacker is someone who enjoys to play with technology.

Contrary to what (ugh) the news media and idiot online gamers think, hackers are NOT people who break into computers for the sake of security flaw detection (white-hat crackers) or info stealing (black-hat crackers).
(Right way)
Richard M. Stallman and Eric S. Raymond are hackers.

(Wrong way)
Stupid CoD player: "ZOMG YoU sTuPiD HACKZORS!!!!11!l"
Hacker: "Shut your mouth, you don't know what you're talking about."
by YAXU August 12, 2012
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Pretty much what 10 year olds scream if you do better than them in a video game
He got a triple kill? That's impossible! HACKER I WILL REPORT YOU!
by Tommy010 March 15, 2015
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What people consider themselves just because they know basic computer programs. Using dumb terms like "leet" doesn't make you a hacker
The average hacker probably wouldn't refer to themself as a hacker.
by Lucy November 9, 2004
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A hacker is a gifted computer programmer who has the ability to throw together specialised computer programs in a short period of time, to suit his or her specific needs.

A hacker is NOT someone who breaks into computer systems, although the knowledge they possess might be used for this purpose.
Dood, Bill Gates is totaly a hacker.
by Yann May 1, 2005
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