National send your gf a picture of yourself day
Gf: it’s may 5th
Bf: ok and?
Gf: it’s national send your gf a picture of yourself day
Bf: im not gonna do that
Gf: pleaseeeee?
Bf: fine 🙄
by User84739639 May 6, 2022
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National lunar day, give them a gift!!
"Hey did you know its national lunar day?"
"no.. whats that?"
"National lunar day is when you give them a gift I got them cheez-its you should too! National lunar day ! Give them a gift ""
The definition of May 5th is national lunar day when you give them a gift
by annonnoyumus May 4, 2022
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National Rye Day. Be it bread or alcohol or dude, May 5th should be reserved for exclusively sleeping with, and/or celebrating, the grain.
Marco: Hey, did you hear about what's happening on May 5th?
Polo: Yeah, did you hear about deez?
by Synder April 29, 2021
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The day that the love of your life asked you to be his girlfriend💜
May 5th
Them: Did you ask her to be your girlfriend today!!!
Him: Of course I did!!!
by XNightAngelX May 6, 2022
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