When you are making meme's online, and they're hilarious or perfect for your current situation or can be used in a twitter war or Facebook fight. Generally, being meme sauced results in blowing up your Facebook friends' news feeds with an abundance of memes (which they enjoy, thoroughly).
"I was so bored in art history class that i made memes about how lame the renaissance was, and posted them on my friends Facebook, she was sitting right next to me, didn't even realize, i was totally meme sauced."
by Ian Jacob February 10, 2012
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when you have good post or videos for people with really dark humor for example people dying, animal abuse, muder, pov shootings,torture ect
by Asian persuasion April 10, 2019
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whore sauce is when a lady of the night such as a hooker, stripper or prostitute applies a lot of perfume to attract the gentlemen or to cover up other gentlemanly sauces.
As I pulled up to the corner I could smell the Ladies of the Night and their whore sauce.
by jsnb78 November 10, 2013
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The warm, sticky goo that excretes from the penis upon orgasm.
“Have you ever had a wet dream bro?”
“Yeah bro. I got peepee sauce all over my sheets!”
by The definition guy January 20, 2021
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Drink of choice to add to the Friday night fun.
It's been a rough week, we could use some Friday Fun Sauce to go with these nachos.
by Gorilla_Jones July 21, 2018
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