A rich white kid, typically from the suburbs, that thinks he is gangsta.
Person 1: Look at that kid sagging his pants to his kness!
Person 2: What a wigga!
by Platitudinous November 18, 2014
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Another way to say “white n*gga. If white people say wigga it’s okay because they dident actually say the n word
by Heheheyourbasicwhitegirl April 11, 2019
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The white people berson of the word “Nigga” this is an acceptable way for white people to say nigga without actually saying nigga
White person: Wassup my Wigga
Other white person: Whats good my wigga
by d3finitions March 3, 2018
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P1: ay yo what sup wigga
P2: what did you call me
P1: wigga
P2: oh ok
by Blueboi69420 October 28, 2019
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A white random weirdo wanna make a n word but for white people
by Exell Zoxy September 22, 2021
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It's the n-word but directed to white people
Because why call white people a cracker when people are like "Oh where's the equality here?"
Wigga (Wig-ga)
by A story to be continued August 8, 2022
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