Supposedly premium gas that is actually just crappy-a** petrol that causes your engine to run really rough and lack power.
I wonder if the real reason that the dude who was driving the Hot Rod Lincoln experienced a lot of piston-pinging after his race with the Cadillac was that he was using high-knocktane fuel, rather than his simply having run his engine too hard.
by QuacksO September 23, 2019
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a more technical term for fart
her human fuel has been exhausted when she used it to create a huge flame, entertaining everyone.
by Mr.Guy_Boyman February 27, 2015
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The “Fueled By Ramen” Effect refers to the idea that whenever a band gets signed to the record label Fueled By Ramen, their sound becomes a lot more pop-oriented and generic. The idea seemed to cement itself in reality shortly after Fueled By Ramen joined the umbrella label Elektra in 2018.
Person 1: “Yo, are you excited for the new Waterparks album?”
Person 2: “Nah, the Fueled By Ramen Effect got to them. The new stuff just doesn’t hit as hard.”
by defnotapseudonym October 12, 2023
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When a man drinks a lot of water, and urinates into his partner’s tight asshole, as if an air tanker is refueling an airplane. The partner then shits the smelly poop juice out, carrying out the fuel dump.
I was fucking Sarah in the ass, but needed to piss. She told me to piss inside her ass, and she proceeded to do a fuel dump onto my chest.
by captaincrunk February 8, 2020
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When you're in Hunt: Showdown, you need greyhound to get more Lung Fuel.

If you don't have greyhound you will have to stop running to refuel up on your Lung Fuel for a few seconds.
"YO SLASHED, IM OUT OF LUNG FUEL, I need to wait a sec in the bush."

"Okay, I am running out of lung fuel too, watch the Erico."
by Wild Young Billy The Kid April 9, 2021
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Having greyhound will enhance your Lung Fuel, without it you will need to take more time to refuel on the lung fuel.
"Yo, cat, I'm out of Lung Fuel.:

"Aight Slashed, I'm almost out too, hide behind the bush but watch out for Erico"
by Wild Young Billy The Kid April 9, 2021
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1 nip of high quality vodka in a glass of diet tonic water, may garnish with citrus.

Cleanses the body of toxins for the sake of both long life and fun. Pure clean, and clear! Don't drink if you are underage.

For clarity, please do not drink automotive system cleaner. That is something entirely different.
Customer: Hey bar tender! Hit me up with a Fuel System Cleaner drink!!!
by Music_Is_Forever June 4, 2022
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