The girl who is always around boys and who usually tends to be a tomboyish. She has amazing friends who are always around her and she is the most wonderful person in the world. You are lucky to know Cali, she has good grades, good education and is mostly is in smarter classes. She helps her friends out and likes to joke around in class and gets in to trouble A LOT, even if she has good grades doesn’t mean she is a smarty-pants. She HATES people who mess around with her or her friends and hates it when people take the Most fucking stupidest things seriously, if you are friends with her WATCH OUT with the things you take seriously, if you don’t things don’t work out. AT ALL.
Cali is so cool, I wish I were her.
Ikr, she is so amazing
by WowLAMOCALIFORNIA October 18, 2019
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She is loving and she can annoy the fuck out of you but she still will be depressed asf behind doors
Cali asks her friend how he's doing:Why whats wrong
Friend:my dad died..
by De Angelo November 15, 2021
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1) calling another person or thing a serious of very offensive names
by Jay Raw March 10, 2018
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The most beautiful girl in the world! She will always make your day and never want to get in the middle of any drama, stay on top of her schoolwork, and will always make you smile! Even when she has her headphones on and listens to her favorite music or talks about her boyfriend profusely, she will always have a smile on your face!
Cali is so pretty! I sit next to her on the bus.
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She is the most beautiful girl in the world. She is soft and genuine, with eyes that literally light when she's talking. She laughs so loud and adorable, I wish she was laughing about what I was saying. She is so so so artistically talented. Cali is a person to be with.
Me: it sucks that she's straight cuz I'm in love with Cali.
by imahopelessromantic August 10, 2022
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The prettiest and sweetest girl you will ever meet and you will never want to let her go
Cali is the sweetest girl I’ve ever meet
by The hell bender bitch July 13, 2018
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The cutest and funniest girl that it also caring at the same time and the one you will never want to lose
by The hell bender bitch July 3, 2018
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