today show everyone that your Nan is the best and tell her why and maybe give her flowers
can you meet
no sorry it’s appreciation nan day
oh yea same tell your Nan she’s the best
and you
by October 6, 2021
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An extension of the contempt term "bollocks" to offend ones grandmother.
Oi Pat, bollocks to your nan, mate.
by jammyquindle May 8, 2016
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something a european dude says when something goes wrong
"i stubbed my toe..crunch my nan bruv"
by gruwief December 13, 2022
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A mythical being that survives against an hard opposition but folds against fodder opposition.
Manchester United are such a bens nan.
Arsenal last season were such a bens nan.
by Warra Man February 20, 2022
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when something annoying happens or someone annoys you, you say “your nans dead” or “that’s dead nan
teacher: “you boys will be staying back at lunch”
boys: “your nans fucken dead” / “that’s so dead nan

matt: *spills raspberry cruiser on dylan’s white shirt*
dylan: “your nans dead”
by nannyfanny644 January 6, 2022
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The ability to get a never ending amount of poon. A gentlemen that exacts an immense amount of female attention
That bro is such a nan slayer! There's always a flood of girls going into his room.
by nanslayer3.0 January 2, 2011
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