To keep someone interested in you for the sole purpose of gaining validation and a boost to your ego.

The term comes from the character of Jasper from the movie The Holiday. He only keeps Kate Winslet in his life to feel good. Not because he wants her.
I thought she really liked me but it turns out I was just being jaspered.
by davenport101 June 20, 2021
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member of the amazing group ofwgkta hes dope asf
not even a rapper
sick ass dude though ong
person1: dude did you hear *jasper dolphin* on the new ofwgkta song??

person2: i heard hes only on the beat to make his rocks grow faster...

person3: well i mean he has a tv show so ig hes kinda a actor
by ayooochrz April 15, 2023
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Jasperen has 2 meanings:

1) To ignore; suddenly go offline or avoid people
2)Exaggerating and attacking people for making jokes.
1:Stop jaspering me
2: ...
by Poopydestroyer February 23, 2020
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Mr. Jasper is a teacher in plum borough senior highschool and a brilliant scientist. He lives on his factory in Croatia and is proficient in Bio-Science. He created a clone of Uncle Grandpa using a shard of his hair from his battle with Broly. This resulted in the creation of Aunt Grandma. He also used the blood of Broly to create the awesome Bio Broly.
Mr. Jasper (Plum) created Bio Broly?!
by Can Opener 86 October 1, 2021
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Jasper is uhm a person that you can really love spending time with even tho you h4t3 him. #Chotufou or however you spell
by sophionese March 19, 2021
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