1. the state of being emotionally bankrupt
2. having no illusions
3. unfeeling, uncaring, emotionally numb or empty
A person who has expended more emotions than he/she is allotted is left feeling empty, disillusioned, jaded.
by Daisy Fitzgerald Bronte January 13, 2011
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The art of Killing TzTok-Jad and failing in a terrible manor.
Mehdi was jading last night and got hit a 936.
by Loafinator November 30, 2010
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When you smoke to cope with your depression and feelings of emptiness but now you’re just sad and high.
Tyrone lit a fat blunt to help him get over Jessica but it only got him jaded
by Cheapycheepster February 26, 2018
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A really sexy girl that will make your life a lot better. She's so beautiful but she doesn't know it. She hides her face often but we've all seen the leaked photos. She's truly wife material and any man would be lucky to have her and enjoy her every night, unless that man is named Elliot.
A: "God Jade is so beautiful."
B: "She's with that asshole Elliot, I can't believe it."
by onedayshellbemine January 22, 2023
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A beautiful girl! You are very lucky to have her in your life. She is caring and loving. She keeps your secrets, but sometimes an asshole. She love u tho heh.
“Damn, jadee is beautiful!”
Hell yeah she is!”
by Jallllom12 June 17, 2018
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Verb. From the adjective, jaded to become emotionally indifferent, worn. To jade another person; to cause them to become indifferent and cynical, generally rhe result of failed romantic relationships.
One woman to another, (discussing a young and innocent guy) "Look how young and innocent he is, no emotional baggage yet". "I'm going to jade him".
by Jenn Phil January 27, 2010
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cynical, disbelief in the sincerity of human motives, believe that the worst will happen, pessimistic
Gary was very jaded about the Republican political agenda, to the point he was preparing to move to Canada.
by Gary Amerine August 29, 2006
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