The biggest dickhead ever that just uses girls for sex and hurts girls. Never trust Brandon. he's the worst.
"I'm finally dating Brandon!"
"Gross, I dated him last week and we left me to go to the mall with some girl , than left me for other bitches at a party. But ya know, good luck..."
by mrs.fuckedyobitch April 6, 2015
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One that exaggerates about the truth and throws in things that never happened, but in his mind they happened. Often drives around with his left arm hanging out of the driver side window with a cigarette in hand. He sits in his car with a partial gangster lean.
Timmy: "I was talking to this girl at the bar and she was a perfect 10! I ended up taking her home and bangin the shit out of her. I did things that made her scream for her momma and the next day I woke up and told her to go home."

John: "But Steve told me that you were with him playing poker that night."

Timmy: "Oh yeah you're right."

John: "Man you just pulled a Brandon."
by J Tats October 8, 2011
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Ugly ass faggot with a small dick. No pube hair and has black wires for hair. Repels girls like the plague. Smells like my dogs shit.
Brandon: Hey Ladies~!
Girls: Ew!!! Go away you small dicked faggot!!!!
by Blue_Jay321 April 5, 2016
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A fat shit smelling bitch that doesn't take showers, doesn't know that soap was invented because he never uses it, he smells like papa johns cheese, he really loves fat bitches with a passion also he farts when he gets scared, he has his own gravitational pull, he looks like sherk's cousin, and smells like the swamp sherk's from.
What's that shit smell? Must be a Brandon around. He's such a fucking Brandon.
by Triston December 4, 2017
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No good ass nigga , always lying. Only good for dick .. Can't do shit for you !
Don't get no fucking Brandon bad for business
by prettyqueen December 21, 2016
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An alright guy, but has a veeeery tiny dick and can be one too. has homosexual tendencies
Sarah: I was with this guy last night. He had a really tiny dick
Anna: Brandon?
Sarah: Yea
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