The most kind, amazing, beautiful, and amazing person in the world
by SonicFireball January 15, 2022
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Biggest dicked man in the world. He has the kindest, most caring eyes that make you finish just by looking at him. Beyond his great looks, he is sweet to the core. An Alec will always be there for you, will feed you, and will always make you see and appreciate the bright side of life. He knows what to say and when to say it, knows how to cheer anyone up, and will put endless amounts of effort to make his girl happy. He is sweet, kind, gentle yet assertive and any girl would be lucky to have him. Usually pairs well with Aprils. Can no doubt do anything that he sets his mind to and will do it well. Very analytical, and tends to overthink a lot but he's self aware and takes care of himself and others the best he can. Video game god. Lord of all coffee and Redbull. Loves mexican food and has an many unexpected talents. An Alec will take care of you for a lifetime and will never make you feel underappreciated. Only the luckiest can ever attain an Alec. Such a hubby.
Youre going for high honor on Red Dead? What an Alec.
by bbsprout May 30, 2019
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Alec is usually a thick nigga they also love honeybuns the would kill just to get a bite of your food he is always stealing snacks and has 3 chins also know as a fat mexican.
“damn that nigga thick, his name must be Alec”
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Alec is the type of person who you want to have as a friend Alec’s will make perfect friends because they will always be there to protect you from any danger including bullies Alec’s also make you feel better when you are having a bad day and Alec’s are usually attracted to girls names starting with E or K but he will always fall for an Emma Never hurt an Emma who knows an Alec because Alec will do everything to protect her
Hey have you seen Alec today

Yeah I saw him staring at Emma
by Angus05 May 2, 2019
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Alec, Alec is the last jew you would ever want to talk to. The stuff Alec does is down right horrendous.
OMG you see what Alec did to those kids, he’s a real jew
by biijo February 22, 2023
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person A: whos that
person B: that's Alec, he's swagger
by pingu lol May 31, 2021
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A 5 foot tall midget, also a unit of measurement.
That cooler can probably hold half an Alec.
by tmkgamer14 April 17, 2019
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