A scale created by FEMA used to determine how bad a situation is.

Green: Normal day, serves regular menu

Yellow: Using the generator/limited food supply, serves the limited menu

Red: YOUR ONLY CHANCE IS TO FUCKING PRAY (Things are bad, Waffle House is closed)
"Hey man things are really getting bad out there"

"Is it really? The waffle house index will determine that"
by free cheese June 1, 2023
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Your real face. The one you have walking through the kitchen Sunday morning after a 2-4 bender and only like 5 people know about.
Hero-"hey babe I showed the Easter pictures to Susan at work"
Wife- You didn't show the one with my House Face right?
Hero-"Nah bae, I got you"
by BalerionTheBlack April 15, 2021
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A place where inexperienced stupid males go under the impression they is a hot puss to be had. Poor ugly troll-like younglings are love bombed and overwhelmed by the sheer whoring skills of the Matrons vagina. Guarnteed to be still warm from the 13-60 year old that just blasted it full 30 minutes before you dropped in. You will believe her lies of being really wet and turned on for you, but actually its just another mans ejaculate you are licking and rubbing allover your cock balls and asshole. Like a puppy that knows no better you will give your self totally, to the Succubus's Charm. You will sacrifice your mind, body and spirit, and she will consume all while you are hexed and vexed whallering in other male jizz then she will spit out the shell that is left for you to die alone covered in seamen . Unless you are a smart young whelp and double wrap your penis and resist her whorecraft and hit it and make a smooth getaway as she is in the washroom and vanish with a quick witted excuse.. Other wise say your prayers you have been warned of the evil that lies within the house.
Diesel Dick #1 :Hey did you hear, Hathaway House has vacancy.
Invisible Dick #1: Id rather drink jet fuel and piss up a burning rope.
by Deviled Bacon July 19, 2022
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Def. 1) To not know where something is, to have no clue

Def. 2) To get high on any drug, especially weed
1.) Chase: Did you see where my pen went?

Bish: Oh I saw it! It bonzai bounced to Hitler's house!

Chase: What the hell are you talking about?

Bish: I have no fucking clue where your pen went

Chase: Asshole......

Ex. 2) Dalton: Hey man, do you wanna go bonzai bounce to Hitler's house?

Cody: What?

Dalton: Go smoke some pot.

Cody: Oh. Hell Yes!
by Cheez Balls May 10, 2011
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Jail house coffee is when you add about half the normal amount of coffee grounds that have already made a pot. It’s a way a cheap start up tries to save a buck on the company coffee that management meagerly buys.
Starbucks tastes like jail house coffee once you get your own espresso machine.
by Beech Bum. June 9, 2018
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