Death grip is when you cum and then hold your penis wety hard.
omg! i'm gonna cum i gotta do the death grip
by Arbobarbro April 5, 2023
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Whenever you put your thumb in your lady friend's asshole and your finger in her vagina, and proceed to pinch as hard as possible
Guy 1: Ew why does your hand smell like that?
Guy 2: I gave my hoe the death grip
by adnutor June 10, 2023
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When a dachshund fucks you up the ass with his snout and then you shit out your dick.
Dude last night was crazy. I was in bed and all the sudden my dog just started giving me a death bark. It hurt like a bitch.
by asslicker22 October 1, 2010
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When your so hungry in the morning after a night of going out with friends. Your prolly not hungover but just really hungry.
I ate a huge steak last night for dinner, a baked potato, and a few beers. It was all good till the next morning I felt like hunger death.
by Bigbrachcock11 August 12, 2017
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person 1-whys that woman yelling at those kids.
person 2-probably menopause.
person 3-nah man shes going through her pre-death crisis.
by mommymilkers;) December 5, 2021
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The act of squeezing you ass cheeks so tight in order to keep the turd from shooting out.
John: Yo it smells in here, do you have to poop?
Tony: Dude my bad my death clench can only hold so long, I need a toilet.
by verny1234567890 January 3, 2012
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When you stick your long and hard throbbing cock into the woman’s anus and than you get herpes
Random nigga: How’d you die?
Other random nigga: PINK DEATH
The first random nigga: Holy shit
by Bill cosby’s boyfriend June 6, 2023
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