ben usually called “dj big penis” is a guy who can rip your arse to shreds within a couple seconds
ben anderson just shagged my jeer
by tylerherro November 22, 2021
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Adjective- An adjective used to describe something that is awful to an unimaginable extent.

Noun- An accident or crime
The hotel turned out to be a Ben Job.

If you don’t give us the money, then that’ll be the last Ben Job you’ll have!
by DonkeMonke August 6, 2021
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A good guy, he always makes you laugh and smile so much whenever you see him, always down for a good time. Is secretly the big gay although he will not admit it.
Kid: What is an example of a gay man?
Me: Ben Findler.
by howabouthellno February 24, 2019
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scary giant that eats peoples toes and licks the wax out of peoples ears
Look at that guy eating that person he's such a ben Miller
by Burgercakes24 May 19, 2020
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Burger king employee “Hello this is Burger king are you ready to order?”
Person “Hi Yes. Can I have 4 Ben Perotta’s and a malted swiss combo”.
by Osweeego November 30, 2022
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that feeling when you are constipated and the shit is just edging your prostate
by BigMuscularMan July 22, 2024
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A guy who is one of the prettiest boys in the world and knows how to treat the woman
This guy could be a ben schechler
No he is to ugly to be ben schechler
by B_sch January 4, 2017
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