An brief electronic shout-out to a friend or family member when one is time-challenged - in order to at least touch base. From electronic + holla. Similar in its construction to e-mail (electronic + mail). An e-holla might also be considered a quick response to e-mail or other form of electronic communication. See holla-back.
I hadn't seen my sister for a while so I texted her a little e-holla on my way to the airport.
by maximo hudson June 11, 2009
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Something that you yell in a restaurant when you drink enough to become attracted to an unattractive waitress. This is usually a last ditch tactic for those with no game. There is usually only a 5% to 10% success rate with this tactic.
Yelled at the top of your lungs. "Holla Hey"
by SlyFox02 March 1, 2009
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A person who is so desperate to get attention, they show their penis on video chat..
Oh look at that HOLLA Faggot showing his dick on video chat...
by ErisKokAK January 16, 2018
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when a homeless guy joins a bank just to get the card he can swipe to get into the 24 hour indoor ATM to sleep inside
guy 1: bruh i jus went into the ENT at midnight and is smelled like whiskey there was a bum in there snoozin.

guy 2: homie did tha bloop n holla
by thunderthievez July 5, 2009
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To lend someone money.

"Sure man I'll hHey bro I need some money for some snacks."olla atcha' dolla"

"Hey man I need some money for snacks can you holla at mah dolla?"
"Hey man I need some money for snacks, can you float me a few bucks?"
"Sure bro, I'll Holla atcha' dolla."

"Hey bro I need some money for some snacks, can you Holla at mah dolla?"
"Sure thing bro"
by Linky Poo December 25, 2014
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