Sue parks where she wants.
Person: “Hey, you literally just parked on top of a disabled homeless person. On a footpath”
Sue: “I park where I want”
by Duke MacLeod June 23, 2022
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I park where I want
Anyone: “you’re literally parked on top of a disabled homeless person on a footpath”
Sue: “I park where I want”
by Duke MacLeod June 23, 2022
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A lawyer with a name that sounds like sue you
Person -12357653: i need a lawyer do you know anyone?
Not Person -12357653: yeah Sue Yu should be a pretty good one
Person -12357653: thx bro now i can Sue Yu
by Not Person-1235731 October 9, 2023
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a beautiful, funny girl who is always there to help out her friends and talk some senses into them when they need it. she brightens up every single room she walks into and all the people in her life are really lucky to have her.
by potatosacksturnmeon September 20, 2020
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A playable sim in the sims 2.

Wait wrong type of Mary-Sue
Person A: You know Mary Sues?
Person B: The cringey character troope?
A: No, the sims character.
by Jalwaysawake January 3, 2022
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"bro i stopped watching star wars when they brought in that mary sue"
"you mean rey?"
by SRG0607 January 31, 2021
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1. (adj.) a female character whom has no character flaws; a very dry character; usually found in fan-fiction.
1. "this fan-fiction has so much mary sue characters."
by Noctone April 7, 2023
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