1. an introduction to a passionate, sexual encounter
2. foreplay
3. a best-selling erotic novel
Maks commenced his prelude to fuckery by preparing a romantic dinner for Meryl and scattering rose petals all over the bed.
by ArielLeira September 24, 2014
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Acting like a Tom Fuck

Doing something with no fucks given

Just a mess

Expect the unexpected
Time for a Tom Fuckery night

Man that was Tom Fuckery game last night
by yxetomfuckery September 26, 2020
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when a goverment fucks up so bad honest goverment ads make a video about it
Ex:australia did something wrong

random person:what is happening in australia is a total shit fuckery
by lumehelves/lizzi January 3, 2023
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During the Covid pandemic, when people ignore recommendations against mask wearing, social distancing and large gatherings, choose to get together indoors & increase the risk of spreading Covid to one another and others.
“Our county’s Covid numbers are increasing exponentially, we should get together for some indoor fuckery.”
by November 12, 2020
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