To cause harm knowingly & intentionally to someone like a friend: Usually carried out via

- Betrayals of Trust that was given on previous agreements,

- Deceitful actions or other forms of lies,

- (and) secretly acting in ways that are contradictory to whatever impression you intended to project for friends beforehand.

An example would be something like hypocrisy with friends:

Where a friend is pretending to see gossip as bad, only to then have intentions of using something against us at a later moment.
She promised to keep that secret and I trusted her, but now she used it to make me look bad in front of our friends! What a stab in the back 💔
by Adpocalyptic November 14, 2022
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To cause harm knowingly & intentionally to someone like a friend: Usually carried out via

- Betrayals of Trust that was given on previous agreements,

- Deceitful actions or other forms of lies,

- (and) secretly acting in ways that are contradictory to whatever impression you intended to project for friends beforehand.

An example would be something like hypocrisy with friends:

Pretending to see gossip as bad, only to then have the intention of using something against a friend at a later moment.
She promised to keep that secret and I trusted her, but now she used it to make me look bad in front of our friends! What a stab in the back 💔
by Adpocalyptic November 14, 2022
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To forcefully move one's pelvis during intercourse as if attempting to damage the vagina.
I would like to cock stab Jim's wife again, she's a good sport.
by last of the nice guys February 1, 2010
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A secondary residence or borrowed home where one takes another person for sex when they don't want that person to know their primary residence.
"I picked her up at this bar and took her to my stab shack downtown. She was hot but a total stalker so at least she doesn't know where I live"

"Brad let's me use his place as a stab shack when he's out of town."
by Mr_Hand November 6, 2009
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Penetrating a vagina forcefully enough to make it bleed. I.e. Vigorously bottoming out.
1: Beat that pussy up
2: You fucken me so hard last night that I'm on my period.
3: Your going to have to call the rspca tonight because I'm going to kill the family pet.
4: Touch your toes I'm going to stab the cat.
by thebloodyfunnel May 20, 2015
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a phrase used to express extreme anger or disapproval of a situation.
"Dude that make me wanna stab puppies!"
by CooperCoopCoop November 6, 2008
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