A navy seal is a seal (mostly Soviet seals) that train in the red army
1!2!3! Good job navy seal! You did so good on your jumps!
by Ultimate cow August 20, 2021
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To provide an inaccurate timeline; can be purposefully incorrect or widely perceived; can refer to providing wild guesses that are constantly disproven or backpedaled upon; may also refer to a complete lack of a timeline
Days Timmy has provided as projection completion dates: last Tuesday, yesterday, 4 weeks ago, a Sunday from a ways back, not done yet

All correct if Timmy was Navy watering—because Timmy didn’t know there was a project at all.
by Dinger S. Jackson December 9, 2021
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Navy Boy (noun): An insult not necessarily directed towards servicemen of the Navy, but people of homosexual preferences in general. Originated from the stereotype that Navy seamen are gay. Invented by veterans of the military and most commonly used not with intent to harm, but for lighthearted joking purposes.
"I don't know what it is, but wieners taste awesome. I don't care how unhealthy they are, I'll eat all of them."
"Miss me with that gay shit, navy boy."
"Goddamn it, man, that's not what I meant."
by Vortexgunner December 12, 2021
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I sure do love a 10 tons navy wrecker

I am currently driving my 10 tons navy wrecker
by ChrisWilders September 19, 2023
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daddy of travis scott and meek mill in scotia bank arena
"pause rrresume, did u hear nav bring out travis scott?"
"No way he is so navy daddy"
by Navy daddy April 19, 2023
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When a tough guy navy prick listens to music. Pretty much the least amount of talent is required to play this music. He thinks he sounds cool listening to metal, but everybody knows hes a douche.
Adam: Bro, I hate John's taste in music.
Steve: ikr, listens to all that navy metal
by Dontuseyourrealnams February 27, 2019
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Calum ellis, has a back that looks lit a pepperoni pizza and cries at every minor inconvenience.
by Lozza Funk August 31, 2023
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