A middle-aged woman who has many sexual partners, sometime more than one at the same time.
The girl across the street is such a meme; she has a new man every night.
by Mrberlinnh September 18, 2014
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Things people post on their social media site of choice so that the people around them think they are the funniest person in their group of friends and acquaintances.
"dude, did you see that picture of those people with the meme on their page?"

"yeah, YOU are so funny!"

"thanks, i know"
by luciferssoldier July 9, 2012
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In mexican spanish it means sleep.

"hacer la meme"

"to do the meme"
estoy muy cansado, voy a hacer la meme.

I'm very tired, I'm going to do the meme.

por favor no hagas la meme con mi esposa.

please don't do the meme with my wife.
by delriego May 2, 2009
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A meme is a funny internet joke or phrase, usually in an image, that spreads throughout the internet making the joke or phrase very popular online. Particular memes often go viral, as people come up with pithy, snappy sayings to ironically, sarcastically, or humorously to make a point. If there's a funny observation you've made in your life, make a meme out of it!
Bro, did you see that meme about the cash me outside girl? how did she get famous from that ROFL!?
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A type of cancer that is made and passed around by 12 year olds
Hey look at this meme I made since I don't have a life
by LtCreed March 16, 2017
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a modern form of usually politically incorrect communication used by the younger generation to cope with struggles of living in such a cruel world
Friend: Sup bro did u see my meme of doggo do a war???????
Me: No.
Friend: well look at it.
Me: Your not my mom.

Friend: Yes, I am i gave birth to you.
Me: OH HELL NO. *Pulls out gun*
Friend: Please don't kill me.
Me: *Kills friend* * oof sound*
The end kids
by Eat Spicy Goodness Bottom Text December 22, 2017
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meme: wow he's such a Josh parkinson

meme2: ye ik teacheck me how to meme
by joshmemexxp October 23, 2017
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