teh jonas brothers are a boy band, with 3 brothers{kevin,21, joe,18, and nick,16.
the jonas brothers are not like most disney stars they are decent. but like people going crazy over them is just retarded. Nick was dignoised with diabetes at 13 years old. the song"a little bit longer" was about his diabetes which is an ok song but like seriously people crying over it is fucked up. Seriously he is not the only one with diabetes in the world. besides he has type1 diabetes people have even worse so teh people crying over him could just shut the fuck up he is not the only one with dibetes. And kevin is just way 2 old 2 be a disney star and he might just turn out gay.
person1; Hey did u see the jonas brothers yesturday on disney.
person2: hell no they suck and what the hell is up with their pants im mean seriously girl i dont even wear jeans that tight.
by xoxhudaxox January 4, 2009
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an okay band. they're lyrics DO have some meaning and the tunes and the beats are alright. but the fanbase of this group is way too much. i swear every single jonas fan out there is like a crazy stalker. but anyways...there an okay band(what do you expect, there underage) that gets way to overhyped. well they're better than Hannah Montana
crazy girl:OMG OMG!! THE JONAS BROTHERS ARE COMING TO MY HOMETOWN!!!!! *jumps around and falls*
me:chill out, its not like Paramore is coming!
by jadali March 17, 2008
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An inspiring, amazing band from Wycoff, New Jersey. Just because their music isn't some rap song about some girls butt, or some heavy metal punk kid whining about how crap life is, with drug references and that, doesn't mean their music is kiddy. No, I am not 12. I am almost 17. I hate the incredibly cheesey High School Musical, the disney channel and Hannah Montana.

Their music is aimed at a wide audience, from children as young as 7, all the way up to adults of about 25. I admit that sometimes their music is cheesey, but atleast they write their own songs and don't just write about stupid things like tits that noone cares about.

Their influence tree goes way back, everything from My Chemical Romance, to The Backstreet Boys to Weird Al Yvonick! They do not class themselves as one genre of music, as their lyrics and tune vary from song to song, combining strong powerful guitar riffs with soft ballad-like synths.

Nick, the youngest of the amazing trio, was recently diagnosed with diabetes. Although it has been hard for him, he has never gave up, teaching children and adolescents with ANY type of illness all over the word that you can be anything you want to be.

If they are not your type of music, I'm not going to argue with you. Not many people hate them because theres nothing much to hate about them.
8 year old: I love the Jonas Brothers!
14 year old: Their music gives me a sense of belonging.. I love them so effing much.
22 Year old: Theres nothing NOT to love about these boys.
by xBELIVEIBLEDx May 31, 2008
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A band of amazing awesomeness. These three brothers are so bitchin that they once blew up an entire city with their ROCK. When they play their completely not-gay, totally cool music, everyone orgasms. End of story.
I heard the jonas brothers have purity rings. I guess that means that they only suck dicks instead of taking them in the anus.
by penis2.0 August 12, 2008
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the greatest boy band on the earth and there quite sexy to.. i love you joe, nick and kevin
by i luv jonas brothers August 16, 2008
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The best band in the universe. even better than miley "slut" cyrus.
jonas fan 1: The jonas brothers rock!
jonas fan 2: (screaming twords stage) NICK JOE AND KEVIN GET NAKED! YOU GUYS ARE HOT IN A CAN!
by COLEY :} April 30, 2008
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the best band in the universe. Anyone who doesn't like them is either
a) jealous
b) a freak and doesnt know what their missing
c) hopelessly confused (its okay, theres still time to get help from a fellow fan)
Kid 1: The Jonas brothers rock!
Kid 2: I know right??
(they look over and see a random kid drawing a mustache, obnoxious nose, and glasses on the jonas brothers poster)
Kid 1: Lets go jump on him until he gets the message.
Kid 2: Sounds great!
by RoxyGirl March 26, 2008
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