A guy who is secretly gay but talks about chicks all the time to cover up. He’s usually a tall guy with big vagina energy. He wants to marry guys and he’s omega gay.
“Yo did u hear about jack talking to that girl.”
Yeah man but he’s actually a Jack; aka homo.”
by 360oogaboogabooga November 21, 2018
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He fucks all the bitches and nobody cares. Guys wish he was gay so they could be fucked by him.
Girl1: Man I want to be fucked by Jack!
Girl2: not as much as I do!
by IWishIHadHerpes April 22, 2017
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A boy that talks to lots of girls at once, fake tans and looks orange and is shit at football. Main hobbies- sending pictures of his non-existent abs to girls
Girl 1- he just wanted to use me

Girl 2- he's such a Jack smh
by AnonymousBitch304 March 19, 2017
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In ancient Jerusalem this word was used to describe someone with a disability such as autism
Also describes a man very bad at playing games
"I was a Jack once" Hilary said to Jamie
by NortyLawty April 13, 2015
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A little Gay guy who likes to mess up guys bums
"Omg You are such a Jack why did you touch his butt"
"Dam Michael is such a Jack he touch Franks butt"
by YELADDY March 14, 2017
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A egotistical perversed man with an extremely small penis that uses large dildos. He thinks he wins every argument because he's Jewish, but really he's black.
Man:why does that guy have a small penis?

by Man with a large penis August 31, 2015
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