The sexual act of dumping out a container of cotton balls and forcing another to pick them up while being pounded from behind, and upon completion using the male member as a paint brush to slather the generated butt grease on the recipients face, avoiding the eyes and lips.
Carter upon arriving late, was surprised with a naughty knee grow in the job trailer, after completion of his organic face painting was then referred to as Mr Blowjangles for the remainder of the work day
by Gingerly ginger February 16, 2022
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When one's arm hair stands on end when they are cold giving the appearance of wearing a wool sweater.
Tommy: Dude are you cold or something?

Jim: Yeah man! Look, I'm totally growing a sweater.
by abstractgirl03 October 28, 2013
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1.Any non-english speaking contractor on a given job site.

2.Any immigrant worker whom works for under minimum wage and takes jobs away from hard working qualified Americans.
I need a growley grow-ley and a shovel to dig this whole.
by Robert Roll March 11, 2008
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A polite and well-mannered way to ask someone from India about the current length of their pubic hair.
How does Calcutta grow, Singh?

Oh, it’s been a while, daddy. I stopped shaving during lockdown and now it’s a forest (French: bois).

by 1000x Better September 26, 2022
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