A low life faggot who makes fun of people all day and thinks he is cool, he also thinks he is able to get girls but he’s a ugly dick face who is a fake friend
Gavin is a faggot
by Fortnite win taker November 12, 2019
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A phrase used for stubborn, ignorant and biased politician or people.
Politician: Iraq was behind 9-11
Diff Politician: Stop being such a Gavin/ Gav
by by a helpful correct person February 17, 2011
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Ornery and annoying. Is a follower but very friendly. Hyper and cringey. "Stop it Ty!"
Gavin, knock it off!
by Ty is a boob July 1, 2017
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Greatest bush camper in the entire world and gets all the kills. Also 1v1s 5 year olds and loses.
He is such a Gavin.
by #1 Bush Camper in the Universe November 20, 2018
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The most amazing boy in the world. He's funny, nice and awesome. Everyone loves him, and he's cool with everyone. He's a chill person, and is never legitimately rude. He is HOT and nice. He is cool as fuck and super funny.
Person1: Woah! He's so hot! Who is he?

Person2: His name is Gavin! Does the name fit him

Person1: Hell yeah it does!
by Ayyyylannaisaweed June 19, 2018
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Typically a cute guy who acts sweet but is actually an asshole. Gavins tend to be tall with glasses with either blonde or brown hair. They are manipulative and are only nice to people to get something out of it. Whether it be sex, school work, or anything else. When he is not trying to get what he wants he won't give you the light of day. DO NOT befriend or get feelings for a Gavin unless you wanna be used and emotionally damaged.
Sara: I'm so sad! I thought he actually liked me... he was so nice... but all he wanted was a #blowjob... I had no idea he was such a #fuckboy!
Whitney: OMG! Seriously?? God what a Gavin!
by angelofporn November 3, 2018
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The weird guy in your class. Definitely double-jointed, and very proud of it for some reason. Likes the relatively quiet girl in the class, even tho she has turned him down several times in hilarious fashion. Good for banter and loves soccer. Claims to have massive junk but is secretly Hella insecure.
Friend #1: aww shit looks like Gavin started a dance off in the middle of the floor

Friend #2: let's pray tfuck he dosent just do double jointed stuff and embarrass himself like he did when he chanced that girl
by Steviebillwilliams February 27, 2016
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