in the position where you are getting the hella birds. opp. of throwing hella birds.
Bob: "damn man, everyone found out I aced my test. Now I'm catchin hella birds.
by bird enthusiast March 13, 2023
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When you're sucking a guys dick while driving.
I couldn't see because I was bird boxing while driving
by Staywetbb November 28, 2019
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During the conference call, Cap was embarrassed after yelling at her son to stop grabbing the bird
by bretticus_decimus_meridius August 26, 2021
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the art of grabbing your flacid cock and swinging it in a counter clockwise direction.
"Watch me do the anti-whirly bird for the whole school"
by W^2 May 8, 2010
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A flock of young women from 'op North' who have migrated south, often for educational purposes and can often be observed squawking around bars in the middle of winter wearing little or no observable clothing.
I'm glad I wore my hat, coat and scarf tonight - it must be minus 5 out. Have you seen the flock of migratory birds flapping around the Oracle riverside? I don't know how they survive!
by lethalonion December 7, 2010
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A Middle Georgia term meaning : An individual under the influence of, or will do anything to get methamphetamine.
Ex. 1
Jim- hey, look at T.W. over there...
Dante- haa yeah I see him over there Twirlin' that bowl.
Ex. 2...
T.W- Hey man! Where's the twirly?!

Frank- Idk I just told you that..

(10mins later) T.w. - Ay Frank where's the Bird at?

Ex 3...
Jacob- hey! dad the boats gone!..
Dad- Its must have been them gott damn Twirly Birds...
by young.certified August 7, 2012
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Te case in wich te bird is kept
Put that bird back in its birds nest please
by TWKBird August 6, 2017
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