To claim total victory over something, resulting in its celebrated death or a glorious triumph ending a prolonged struggle.
Well I shot that in the eye. Algebra can kiss my ass.

Dude you totally shot that in the eye! Finally we can watch t.v. without worrying about that stupid raccoon.
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The act of taking a golf shot that doesn’t feel good, but you know is safe.
Go on John - take a condom shot to hit the fairway”
“A what shot?!”
“A condom shot - it will feel shit but at least you know it’s safe”
by WillyCravemore June 25, 2018
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When you cum in your partner's eye so aggressively that you give them a black eye.
"How'd you get that black eye?"

"My husband gave me a shine shot."
by BeefCake_Official August 21, 2022
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Where a girl shoots a man into space with her fist for trying to fuck her pooper
Jessie space shot Jonny for trying to fuck her pooper. Space Shot
by SpaceCadetCrashTestDummy November 9, 2018
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When Smoking Weed, One Person Takes A Drag, Holds It In, And Kisses Someone Exhaling, While The Person Receiving Is Inhaling.
Guy:: -Takes A Drag And Kisses The Girl-

Girl:: -Inhales The Drag-

Guy2:: Nice Kiss Shot.
by xwatevx35 May 16, 2010
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Alternative description for flipping someone off, giving someone the bird, etc...
That dude cut me off, so I rolled down my window and shot a jeep at him.
by Fpt125 April 26, 2016
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