A platform for losers who can't get subs on youtube
Lemme go and stream on twitch because no one will fucking watch me on youtube!
by Urban | Ellie August 3, 2020
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A slur used for autistic people, due to the stereotypical twitch associated with autism spectrum disorder
by RancidAu February 2, 2021
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Since twitch banned the word simp let's refer to these people as a word they can't ban, Twitch.
Yo that guy is a major Twitch to that chick
by Brandenooooo February 27, 2021
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A sudden jerking motion at the start and/or end of a climax or orgasm at the legs. However, it can appear at the arms , neck , and hips as well. Due to the "special feeling" or "numbness" that a climax or orgasm will give off .
I watched as my legs and body began to twitch... I felt like I was in a new universe with him, at peace...
by iwishitwaswinter May 7, 2020
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Twitch is an example of my old teacher Mr.Schultz. I had him as a teacher like 12 years ago and I noticed he twitched a lot. It was very disturbing if you say in the front row.
by Ajsalemajsalem July 17, 2018
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A streaming platform that would rather kill everyone that has a Y chromosome than permanently ban a female streamer who streams herself committing multiple felonies.
Cute girl: Grooms every minor on Earth, ruins an entire generation, runs a Satanic cult, commits genocide on-stream, abuses every animal that gets in her preferable vision, takes over most of the world and becomes a threat to the rest of humanity, etc.

Twitch: I don't see anything wrong here and I will do anything to not ban this girl

Random Male streamer: Breathes a very particular way no one else knows that Twitch somehow hates

Twitch: Permanently IP and Hardware Banned for absolutely no good or even slightly justifiable reason
by MyPseudonymThatsNotMyName September 13, 2022
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A person, or a platform that bans the use of any slight insult.
Wow, that man/woman is such a twitch, all I called them was a virgin.
by psuedonameG January 5, 2021
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