When one mixes a large quantity of different types of Tequila and it results in an intense chemical reaction that eventually and inevitably makes the recipient vomit and shit aggressively like nothing they have experienced before.

The chemical reaction takes precisely one hour to occur and affect the recipient. No sooner and no later.
Liam - "Don't drink those desperados mate. You've just had some cherry flavoured Tequila shots."

Adam - "Nah I'm sound me yeno"

1 hour later (on the dot)

Adam - "Arr shit lad I've gotta bail and get the 472 bus home. My stomach isn't feeling too good"

Liam - "Leg it lad! The Timed Tequila Nuclear Explosion (TTNE) is happening now!"

Adam then projectile vomits and shits shortly thereafter.
by LKilby August 31, 2017
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Reporter: Mr.Wray, what would be the worst situation currently?
Mr.Wray: Nuclear Bomb + 72 Year Old Trump
Reporter: Excuse Me?
Random Guy In the Crowd" A BIG ASS EXPLOSION!
Get the Nuclear Bomb + 72 Year Old Trump mug.
A very dangerous gorilla, do not approach.......... also why did you search this up??
see that explosion - that would be the Tactical Nuclear Assult-Type Heavily Armoured Gorilla we tested out against a tank :)
by Infrared1011 May 25, 2021
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Pretty self explanatory isnt it?
the tripod mounted twin beam dual reactor multipurpose particle ray with a built in ion cannon 3d particle accelleration device with a tissue mutation bean cryo genetical freezing sereum intergrated missle defence system nuclear powered air refraction device with a titanium plated nano enhanced bio genetic subterranean drilling unit with a cold fusion powered fission controlled pulse repition wave generator with a neuro planted japan made self installed mind manipularisation array with a biodegradable hand made master control terminal with a built in light emitting diode is good
by Hows Your [FACE] October 14, 2006
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When your girl mukbangs at Taco Bell and ends up with explosive diarrhea so bad her pussy smells like a 2 week old burrito supreme.
Damn, my girl pigged out at Taco Bell and ended up with a Nuclear Taco. She got the shits so bad her snatch smelled like her asshole.
by Methy Barbie June 9, 2023
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when you get so pissed off you just lose all sentience and seethe until you look like a rabid dog
(reaches nuclear rage)
by trabisskotbubga July 10, 2021
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Monster Energy drink.
Often found in the bladders of chernobyl horses.
That is where Monster harvests their produce
"This tastes like nuclear horsepiss"
by MrMattz February 14, 2018
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