This song is composed by Meepmorp Meeborp. This song is the sole reason I do concert band. It's so incredible. I play bass and storytime I got electrocuted by the bass but that's besides the point. Any goshdarn way, this song is the absolute finest. And when we freaking go to Canadas Wonderland this song will blow the entire park away. Yukon Striker? No no my dudes, Mission actual gosh darn secret is the realllllllllllllllll tea. So like go snatch up your music teacher, suggest this song (automatic A+) and arrange a band. This song is proven to release endorphins which bill nye knows makes you yah! happy my boys! So go and google this actual love of omg just yes song and actually blast this song on your chromebook in the middle of class and maybe get kicked out but probably not because it's that good. No more gangster rap where I can hear it! THIS is it. ok this is the 69 time grammy award winning piece!!!
Band Boy 1: Oof we have to get up at 6:30 to go to band
Band Boy 2: YA! But we're playing mission secret
by chillychizz May 28, 2019
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A type of quest or journey in which the end goal is attaining a dirty stanky kukki vagina that has reached vag cig status. A cunthole that smells like a cigarette. Usually from a woman who smokes or a woman whose beaver box has had lit cigarettes places in it and or a lot of cig smoke blown into it.

The mission for vag cig can only be completed by the bravest and most determined poon hunters. A Vag cig is much more desirable than a traditional fish smelling twat.
Kukki Nig: hows that poon hunting goin dawg?

Abreu nems: Shit ho, im chasin down the mission vag cig dream. I see dem nasty hos and can smell that vag cig from a mile away. I wont stop til i achieve that nasty cig box.
by ballplayer182 August 11, 2022
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When an individual must go past the first page of a Google search to find the answers to a homework.
dude, I went on a dive mission last night trying to figure out the environmental science homework.
by Juan direction April 2, 2013
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a mission, hunt, venture, or plan where the ultimate goal is to engage in sexual activity
She was on a creep mission at the bar; he came over for a creep mission on Wednesday night; our group project turned into a creep mission when I went over to his place to make the power point.
by blankbitch November 7, 2012
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Your only having sex with this girl because ur drunk, a girl who is only an average looking girl who you wouldnt do while sober but when drunk you would bang her.
Man 1 "Man someone said jennifer was hot"
Man 2 "Naw man she a scummy mission though"
by xX541Xx December 13, 2011
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Mission for Vision (MFV) is a leading not-for-profit organisation working since 2000 for the eradication of avoidable blindness.
I work at Mission for Vision (MFV)
by SPA15 November 25, 2021
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