When a man and a man are nude and they run at each other, and whoever gets hit with the other man's penis first gets buttfucked
Trevin and i are going to practice our Olympic jousting later
by TaterThot23 September 14, 2022
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Pain Olympics is a where someone doubts the worth their pain because "others have it worse" or the other way round wherr someone thinks there pain is more than eveyone elses

This applies to both physical and mental pain
Pain Olympics example1: "I mean yeah it's bad but there's others more hurt than me so it can't be that bad"

Pain Olympics example2: "Why does ____ get attention and help my pain is worse!"
by TanukiBoy January 7, 2023
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This is a bad night. It’s when you drink a lava lamp and then fuck a German Shepherd.
Hey Brian. You may judge me because...you know, I’m homeless, and shit. It’s not pretty. But last night I drank a lava lamp and fucked a German shepherd. That may be no big deal to you but I won the gold at the homeless Olympics! So fuck you.
by Larry and Rex and Benny September 9, 2018
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A large racing event which occurs when the night crew supervisor at Home Depot is not there, and the manager who substitutes for him just sits in the office and doesn't supervise anything...
Boss just broke his hip. He's going to be out for a week for surgery. I guess we're having the forklift olympics early this year!
by The Poopy Fart Demon September 21, 2017
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Also known as the Daytona 500, NASCAR’s biggest day! Kind of cool to see, even if you're not a fan. Many go for the wrecks that you can experience without actually being in them. Food, beer and Merch are also a draw. People watching is as much fun as the race its self.
I went to the Left Turn Olympics to drink beer in the sun and see wrecks!
by Sonicbo0mz February 14, 2021
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Olympe is a very kind and beautiful person. She could do anything for her friends and family. She is honest and has a lot of humour. If you are her friend take care of her she is very special.
She is such an Olympe ➡️ She is kind and honest
by Margaux J January 4, 2018
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Olympe is the most beautiful person on the planet. She's so funny that lamas can't stop looking at her. She is as generous as a slice of Comté.

What is better than a slice of a french cheese anyway ?
OMG, Olympe just ate all the cheese on the table !
by jobijoba June 6, 2017
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