luna's boyfriend is yeonjun
luna's boyfriend
by yjsgf April 14, 2021
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Such a fucking asshole only uses you for clout and to feel good about herself loves the chase fucks 40 yo guys bc she has daddy issues makes up lies about getting raped so she can manipulate you
Hey do you know Victoria luna?

yeah bro, wish I didn't shes a pig
by btchuwish August 22, 2019
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Taking an extreme course of action in an intense situation, usually to impress someone, and always succeeding by doing so.
Guy 1: "Dude how did you escape from that lion?"
Guy 2: "It was nothing, I just tried pulling a luna on it and I escaped."
by ps4star June 30, 2016
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Getting severely injured while doing a very simple exercise.
Person A: "Dude, I ripped my scrotum yesterday while doing sit-ups!"
Person B: "Sounds like you were pulling a Luna."
by jonnybones03 March 24, 2017
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They have small dicks and have blonde hair and blue eyes, usually not fat nor skinny, they are in between. Gay guys who cheat and can never get dick even though they talk about it. They act Mexican/ Spanish but know a little bit and try mixing it in with English to make it seem like they know how to speak Spanish. They usually will try to suck there friends bf dick. Typical ugly ass who thinks he can get dick when know one wants t touch a blob.
Kelly: Xavier Luna nasty tried sucking my bf’s dick

Tessa: he’s gross and such a scum bag, he’s jealous bc he can’t get any dick from a gay guy nor straight guy!
by Chelseyboyyyy November 27, 2017
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