Heck, A Slang Word For Fuck.

Heck, A Cuss Word / Curse Word.

Heck, A Synonym For Fuck.

Heck Verb, Present

Hecked Past Participle

Heckier Comparative

Heckiest Superlative
"Ever Fully Heckiest ‘Em Up, God & Satan, All Demons Wherever The Heck ‘Em At, Ever Fully Damn Motherfuckin' Hella Str8 Trash Among Human At Anywhere Wherever Got Ya Damn Motherfuckin' Lives All Ended Wherever The Heck 'Em At." - Hopkins Harlem aka Harlem.
by Hzr November 12, 2018
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Onomatopoeic sound when you gag revolted.
1: Geezus, that smell's revolting!
2: Excuse me sorry thank you.
1: The heck!
by slacketstew February 28, 2022
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Where we go when we die.
Me: oh gosh, where am I!? This place is darn spooky
Satan: You're in heck now you dang sinner!
by Autismologist April 30, 2019
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A mix between hell and fuck, people just don't realize it though.
by Jimbob872345 October 23, 2018
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Heck also known as hell or where people go if you don't be good.
Heck is where people go when gosh darns them
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A word so god-awful that is the equivalent of doing a solute to Hitler in Thanos’s gauntlet during the national anthem at your Purple Heart veteran grandfather’s funeral on the Jewish half of the family next to the Holocaust Museum
Josh - Your not even cool kid
Greg - hEcK
Josh - * crying while rocking in a corner due to his permanent emotional trauma
by MegaJew3.0 April 10, 2019
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